
how to think and negotiate like a millionaire jew, created by a millionaire jew.


how to think and negotiate like a millionaire jew, created by a millionaire jew.


Are you about to start your company and need a couple of tips to achieve success and how to create businesses?

You ask yourself, what can I do to not fail?

What model can I follow to be successful?

On many occasions Jews have been used as an example of success because we know how to create successful businesses, since most of us

We are rich and have great power in the business world.

If we look back in history, Jews suffered persecution and lived in relatively closed communities within other countries.

This situation awakened in us the need to strive to prosper and progress in life.

On this occasion we will talk about the strategies that we Jews put into practice to succeed in our businesses, grow exponentially, earn a lot of money and remain in the market indefinitely.


Well explained strategies that we use in my Jewish family throughout the day to earn money.

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